Pediatric Hematology Oncology Course
Venue: Tiara Hotel , Riyadh
Topics :
- Hemoglobinpathy
- Anemia in neonate and children
- Platelets disorder
- Hemophilia and other bleeding disorder
- Thrombosis in children
- Inherited bone marrow failure
- Leukemia and lymphoma
- Blood transfusion journey
- Bone marrow transplant from A-Z
- Infection and vaccine management in immunocompromised patient
- Guide tour in hematology lab
- Challenging cases in all hematology disorder
- Blood film slides (interactive session )
CME Hours : 21 CME
Course Fee :
Physicians / Fellows : 300 SR | Resident / Student / Technician / Nurse : 200 SR
For further information & Registration :
Tel No. (+966) 548 69 0811