
Internal Medicine Update Conference - Saudi Chapter

Starts: 15/11/2016

Ends: 17/11/2016

Saudi Arabia - Dammam

Update in different Subspecialties of Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine Update Conference 

Date : 15-17 November 2016 | Venue : KSAU-HS Convention Center, Riyadh 

Organized by : KSAU-HS Convention Center, Riyadh  | ACP - American College of Physician 

Update in different Subspecialties of Internal Medicine 


Pulmonary functions tests interpretations 

CANMED Review 

Acid Base Balance (case ppresentation) 

ECG interpretation

Reading Chest Xray 

Thyroid function tests interpretation 


Physicians and Nurses 

Medical Students 

All Healthcare providers 

CME hours :  24 CME 

Registration and Attendance Policy

Please follow the instructions below carefully:

  • Attendance e-Certificate: Free
  • Attendance e-Certificate with CME: 100 SAR
  • Participants are exclusively responsible for their events.ksau-hs accounts and all details they provide in the system. The Organizing Committee is not liable for the errors or inaccuracy of spellings, titles, SCFHS Professional number etc. and the situations resulting due to such.
  • Onsite registration will be available on the first day of the event only for limited seats; however, receipt of all privileges cannot be guaranteed.
  • Attendance:
  • Participants should be punctual and follow the timeline and program announced.
  • The venue dates and timeline of the event can be subject to changes by the Organizer whenever deemed necessary.
  • The participants must bring their original Identification card while attending the Conference. Screenshots or electronic images of said Identification cards are not permissible.
  • Inability to provide proper identification will result to not being allowed attendance to the conference.
  • Any participant arriving at the venue after the scheduled time will not be considered as participant as the Attendance scanning time line must be followed and completed to earn an e-certificate.
  • Access to conference functions without a conference badge will be denied. Participants without an official conference badge will be asked to show proof of registration.
  • All registrants who are subjected to slot availability will be accepted on a first come, first served concept.

For inquiries : 

Symposia-Conferences Division
Deanship of Postgraduate Education, KSAU-HS
00966-11-429-1062  |  4291109

Online Resgitration : http://events.ksau-hs.edu.sa/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f

Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
24 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Dammam

Organized By KSAU-HS Convention Center, Riyadh

visit website


  • 00966-11-429-1062
  • 4291109

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