
Updates in : Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Starts: 03/12/2016

Ends: 05/12/2016

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Conference and Workshop

Updates in : Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 

Date : 03-05 December 2016 | Venue : KSAU-HS Convention Center , Riyadh , KSA 

Organized by : King Saud University University for Health Sciences 


The impact of molecular and epigenetic mechanisms in immunology 

Future of pathology in laboratory automation, digitization, and informatics 

Updates on molecular and morphological classification of selected entities in surgical pathology (adult and pediatric) 

Updates on the new markers in clinical and surgical pathology 

Standard interpretation of lesions from thyroid, breast, GI, mucosa, prostate, endometrium and HPV testting 

New entities in soft tissue lesions 


CNS Intra-operative consultation 

Head and neck Pathology 

Interstitial Lung Disease

Non-neoplastic Lymph Node Pathology 



Skin (Non-Neoplastic)

Bone Pathology 

Target Audience 

Pathologists in practice & training 

Clinical Laboratory Scientists 

Medical Technologists 

Physicians and Nurses 

CME hours : 16 CME 

Registration : http://bit.ly/2fvpOoj

Event Website : http://plmupdate.org/

Contact :

Symposia-Conferences Division
Deanship of Postgraduate Education

King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
PO Box 3660 Riyadh 11481 (Mail Code 3143)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Email: DPE-SCD@ngha.med.sa

Call :   +966-11-4299999 ext 91200 -91117

Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
16 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By King Saud University University for Health Sciences

visit website


  • +966-11-4299999 ext 91200 -91117