
Developmental Care of the Neonates Course

Starts: 25/12/2016

Ends: 27/12/2016

Saudi Arabia - Qasim

Developmental Care of the Neonates Course 

Venue : Golden Tolib Hotel, Hail KSA | Date : 25-27 December 2016

Organized by Ministry of Health 

Course AIM : 

Enrichment of knowledge and development of skills in the assessment and handling of the newborn to ensure the baby's adaptation and survival and to provide the nurses the opportunity to explore critically some of the important current conceptual, theorethical understandings , evidence based and practical applications of development care. 

Target Audience : 

Delivery room Nurses 

Nicu Nurses 

CME hours : 18 CME accredited 

For registration : 



Visit : http://moh.gov.sa/


Targeted Audience
  • Nurse Educator
  • Nurses
18 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Qasim

Organized By MInistry of Health

visit website


  • 00966

Sponsored By: Ministry Of Health