
Pain Management Course

Starts: 26/11/2023

Ends: 28/11/2023

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Pain Management Course


Date : 

26 - 27 - 28 Nov, 2023


Time :

1:00pm - 7:00pm 


Objective :

- Identify the pain fundamentals from different aspects 

- Describe how to create an effective Pain Management plan that manages acute and chronic pain by engaging multidisciplinary during different cases among various ages. 

- Clarify the role and importance of exercises during pain management by an expert to overcome bone, muscle, and joint disorders and post-sorgery

- Explain the role of psychology during pain management

- |||ustrate the best practice for using analgesics during pain management depending on the cause of pain . 


Topics :

- The anatomy and physiology of pain 

- Pain terminology and classification

- Pain assessment and measurement

- Psychological evaluation and interventions 

- Acyte pain management 

- Analgesic pharmacology 

- Multidisciplinary pain management

- Chronic non-cancer pain disorders

- Pediatric and geriatric pain 

- Interventions in chronic pain

- Physiotherapy for pain 

- Pain physical therapy psychology 

- The importance of exercise for pain cases 

- Rehabilitation after surgery 


Target Audience :

- Technicians and Health Assistants 

- Medicine and Surgery

- Nusing and Midwifery

- Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians

- Therapy and Rehabilitation 

- Health Asministration and Community Health

Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacist
12 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By Infinity Medical Acadimy

visit website


  • 057 032 2051

Sponsored By: Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

  • Price : 200SR