
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Children

Starts: 26/02/2017

Ends: 28/02/2017

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Children 

Venue : Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City Exit 6 Banban Qassim Road, Riyadh 

Date : February 26- 28, 2017

Organized by : Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City


- State and define types of cognitive impairment in children 

- Guide the practice of cognitive rehabilitation based on the evidence 

- Assist Therapist in determining which type of strategy might be the most appropriate and the steps involved in carrying our treatments and progress monitoring 

- Identify different procedures for the treatment strategies for severe cognitive impairment 

- Define and state types of metacognitive strategy training 

- Practical training in using cognitive assessment of young children (CAYC) 

- Practical training in using Dynamic Occupational Therapy cognitive Assessment for children ( DOTCA-CH) 

- Provide structure for establishing and measuring long term and short term goals based on the evidence 

Target Audience : 

Rehabilitation Health Care Professionals, Physicians , Nurses 

Course Fee  : Early Registration 1,200 SAR | After 31 Jan 2017 1,500 SAR 

Deadline for Registration : 19 Feb 2017

CME hours : 13 CME 

For registration : 

Coordinator - Leonardo Bruce 00966-11-562-0000 ext 1131/4024



Targeted Audience
  • Rehabilitation Professionals
13 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City

visit website


  • 00966-11-562-0000 ext 1131/4024
  • 1,200 SAR til Jan 31, 2017