
Mechanical Ventilation for Pediatric

Starts: 19/02/2017

Ends: 20/02/2017

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Mechanical Ventilation for Pediatric 

Date : 19-20 February 2017 | Venue :  5th floor KFMC at FOM 

Organizer : King Fahad Medical City Riyadh 


-Discuss the design principles and algorithms behind the latest ventilators 

-Analyze ventilator graphics, and assess the appropriate procedures for optimal patient ventilator synchrony 

- Understand management of ventilators in patients with parenchymal lung disease, obstructive disease and severe hypoxemia 

- Differentiate the most appropriate way to wean patients off the ventilator . 

Target Audiences : 

1. PICU Physicians 

2. Anesthesia Physicians 

3. Residents and Fellows in PICU 

4. Pediatric Anesthesia 

5. Emergency Medicine 

Course Fee :  2,500 Saudi Riyals 

CME hours : 15 CME

Registration Details : 

Myra Verano 

00966-11-288-9999 ext  10821



Targeted Audience
  • Emergency Physician
  • Pediatricians
15 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By King Fahad Medical City Riyadh

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  • 00966-11-288-9999 ext 10821
  • 2,500 Saudi Riyals