
Pediatric Critical Care Nursing Course

Starts: 26/03/2018

Ends: 28/03/2018

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Pediatric Critical Care Nursing Course
Date : 26-28 March 2018
Simulation Date : 28 March 2018
Venue :Clinical Skills and Simulation Center 4th flr KAUH 

Objectives : 
1. Recognize and initiate management of acute life threatening conditions 
2. Provide post operative care for child with congenital heart disease 
3. Use respiratory life support equipment and how to troubleshoot 
4. Comprehend the principles of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), its set up and management 
5. Perform assessment review applying systematic tools: Initial Assessment, ABCDE , SAMPLE 

Course Fee : 
Nurses - 600 SAR
Students - 200 SAR

CME hours : CME accredited 

For registration : 
00966-12-640-1000 ext 14604

Targeted Audience
  • Critical Care Nurse
  • Nurse Educator
  • Nurses
  • Nursing Student
  • Pediatricians
Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Organized By King Abdulaziz Univ Hosp

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  • 00966-12-640-1000
  • Nurses - 600 SAR
  • Students - 200 SAR