
Modern Orthopaedic Medicine (CYRIAX)

Starts: 06/11/2016

Ends: 12/11/2016

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Modern Orthopaedic Medicine (CYRIAX) 

Venue : Jeddah KSA | Date : November 06-12, 2106

Organized by : Medical Physical Therapy Center 

The ETGOM or European Teaching Group of Orthopeadic Medicine offers you the best available traiing program in Orthopaedic Medicine cyriax , worldwide. Under the guidance of Steven De Coninck, MSc PT,ETGOM has already presented courses in more than 33 countries. We offer an intense practical and scientific up to date and symbolic program in which we stimulate participants (PTs and MDs) to take initiative : perform an objective and relevant clinical examination , reach a useful diagnosis and then set a specific treatment plan for that particular patient .

Module A - 6-8 November (Until 1230pm) Orthopeadics Highlights extremeties 

Module B - 8 -10 November (as from 1400H) Orthopeadics highlights spine

Module C - 10 - 12 November Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar spine 

Target Audience : Orthopeadics All Levels | Physiotherapy All Levels 

Course Fee : 

Late Registration  A+B+C  5,900 SAR
A or B or C  2,250 SAR

CME hours :  30 CME 

For inquiries and registration : 

Dr. Mohammed Badghish  00966505-651-435


Visit Website : http://www.mptbrc.com/

Targeted Audience
  • Physical Therapist
30 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Organized By Medical Physical Therapy Center

visit website


  • 00966505-651-435
  • Late Registration A+B+C 5,900 SAR
  • A or B or C 2,250 SAR