
Pediatric Epilepsy Course (PEC I )

Starts: 28/03/2019

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Mecca

Pediatric Epilepsy Course (PEC I )

Venue: Maternity & Children Hospital - Makkah

Organized by : Maternity & Children Hospital - Makkah

Objectives  :

  • Describe classification of epilepsy
  • Describe the different seizure types
  • Define : seizure , epillepsy , epillepsy syndrome
  • Give differential diagnosis for seizures , and how to distinguish epillepsy from paroxysmal non epileptic events
  • Manage the first seizure event including febrile convulsion
  • Describe the principles of treatment , the indication of anticonvulsants & the well-known side effects of these drugs


Target Audiences : Pediatricians | Family physicians | junior Neorology Residents | ER Physicians

​​​CME Hours : 15 CME 

Course Fee :  Free

For Registration : 


Targeted Audience
  • Interns
  • Pediatricians
15 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Mecca

Organized By Maternity & Children Hospital - Makkah

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