
Basic Surgical Skills Course

Starts: 05/12/2016

Ends: 06/12/2016

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Basic Surgical Skills Course 

Venue : International Medical Centre | Date : 5th-6th December 2016

Organized by : International Medical Centre Jeddah KSA 

Course Objectives - 

This comprehensive course has been designed to introduce surgical trainees to safe surgical practice within a controlled workshop environment 

It aims to teach assess and certify the ability of trainees to use safe and sound surgical techniques that are common to all forms of surgery 

By the end of the course the participants will be able to cover three main concepts : 

1. Open Surgery Techniques : gowning, gloving, making safe knots, handling surgical instruments , tissue handling, local anesthesia techniques, primary management of infected soft tissues 

2. Electro Surgery : The safe use of devices 

3. Endoscopy Surgery : to understand the difference between open and endoscopic surgery , including the manipulation of instruments in a 3D surgical environment while viewing a remote 2D surgical image 

To be discussed : 

1. Basic instruments and suturing techniques 

2. Surgical site infection and decompression techniques 

3. Future suturing techniques 

4. Post Course evaluation test 

Workshop : 

1. Gowning and Gloving 

2. Operative Open surgery instruments 

3. OB GYNE instruments 

4. Laparoscopic Instruments 

5. Surgical Knots 

6. Surgical Suturing 

Target Audience : All Physicians/Surgeons | Nurses | Technicians | Medical Students 

Course Fee : 1,500 SAR 

CME hours : 15 CME 

For registration : 

Ms Farhat Sultana

CME Coordinator , IMC Academy 

Call 00966-12-650-9000 ext 4326, 4329


Website : http://imc.med.sa

Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
  • Nurses
  • Students
15 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Organized By International Medical Centre Jeddah KSA

visit website


  • 00966-12-650-9000 ext 4326
  • 1500 SAR