
Practical Obstetric Multi Professional Training (PROMPT)

Starts: 10/12/2016

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Practical Obstetric Multi Professional Training (PROMPT) 

Venue : International Medical Centre | Date : December 10, 2016 

Organized by : IMC, Jeddah KSA

Objectives : By the end of the course, the participants will

1. Cover most of obstetric emergencies and includes up to date evidence based management recommendations

2. Learn how to manage obstetric emergencies 

3. In multi professional teams on labor ward, using emergency equipment 

4. Gain knowledge of how to plan emergency management in their own units 

Topics to be discussed :

Introduction to course with team work
Severe hypertension / Eclampsia scenario + team work 
Anesthesia (High Regional Block) 
Fetal monitoring
Kiwi Workshops 
Maternal Collapse 
Forceps Workshops 
Debrief for All

Target Audience : Obstetricians | Anesthetists | Midwives | OB Nurses 

CME hours :  8 CME 

Course Fee : SAR 300 for Health care Professionals | SAR 200 for IMC Healthcare & Students 

For Registration and Inquiries : 

Mr. Farhat Sultana CME Coordinator 

Contact @ 00966-12-650-9000 ext 4326/4322


website : http://imc.med.sa

Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
  • Nurses
  • Nursing Student
  • obstetrician
  • Students
8 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Organized By IMC, Jeddah KSA

visit website


  • 00966-12-650-9000 ext 4326/4322
  • SAR 300 for Health care Professionals
  • SAR 200 for IMC Healthcare & Students