
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis

Starts: 05/10/2016

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh


Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis 

Venue : Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humaitarian City , Exit 6 Qassim Road Riyadh City 

Date : 05 October 2016

Objectives : 

Express understanding regarding the importance of VTE prophylaxis 

Utilize risk assessment tools on different groups of patients under medical care,surgical care, stroke care, geriatric & critical care 

Adhere to VTE prophylaxis guidelines when caring for the affected group of patients

Identify the different modalities used in pharmaceutical and mechanical prophylaxis for the appropriate type cases managed 

Provide timely care to patient at risk of VTE and prevent the incidence of complications that may arise as a result f negligence 

Demonstrate and practice the techniques / skills in the application of the different modalities of treatment 

Target Audiences : Physicians, Nurses, Internal Medicine , Pharmacists all categories , Physiotherapy all categories 

Course Fee : 300sar 

CME hours : Approved 5 hours 

For registration / inquiries : 

Coordinator : Patrick Henry La'O

Tel > 00966-11-562-0000 ext 4040/4024

Fax no  00966-11-562-4652

email educstaffdev@sbahc.org.sa



Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
5 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humaitarian City

visit website


  • 00966-11-562-0000 ext 4040/4024

Sponsored By: Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humaitarian City

  • 300sar