
5th Update in Ultrasound - A day of the Sonographers

Starts: 22/12/2016

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

5th Update in Ultrasound - "A day of the Sonographers"

Date : 22 December 2016  | Venue : King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences 

Topics : 

U/S Machine Instruments and Maintenance
Bio-effect and safety of diagnostic ultrasound 
Continues education & Improving Detection rate on fetal heart anomalities 
Challenges in the Doctors - Technologists Relationship 
New Trend in Pediatric Ultrasound
Introduction and the role of Muskoskeletal Ultrasound 
Essential of the research and impact of Sonographers 
Pediatric Thoracic Kidney 
Professional ethics of the Sonographers 
Role of 3D/ 4D ultrasound in Gynecology 
New trend and application in Breast Ultrasound 
Role of U/S in Anesthesia 
Ergonomics and MSK disorder of the Sonographers 
Exploring the sonographers'work related muskoloskeletal disorder in Saudi Arabia

Target Audience : Sonographers, Ultrasound Technicians , Ultrasound Technologists 

CME hours : Accredited CME 

Course Fee : 50 SAR only 

For inquiries and registration : 

Symposia-Conferences Division
Deanship of Postgraduate Education
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
PO Box 3660 Riyadh 11481 (Mail Code 3143)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Email: DPE-SCD@ngha.med.sa

Call :   +966-11-4299999 ext 91200 -91117


Targeted Audience
  • Technicians
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences

visit website


  • +966-11-4299999 ext 91200 -91117
  • 50