
Basic Infection Control Skills License Pogram

Starts: 31/07/2021

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Basic Infection Control Skills License Pogram 

Date : 31 July 2021


Larning Objectives : 

-Will have a general overview of the infections and exposure to hazard and safety protocol at healthcare sitting . 

-Understand the role of the health care worker in infection control.

-Perform and trained on stander skills for hand hygiene, personal protective equipment PPE, Mask fitting and safe injection practice. 

-Complete immunization record as per the recommendation of MOH. 


-Respiratory masks fitting procedure and how using respiratory hood for unfitting SR.


Registration Fee : 300SR 


Target Audience : 

-All physicians 



-All Hajj Participants 

-All workers have contact with patients such as Cleaner, food server, and others 







Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
5 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By The Academy

visit website


  • +966 9200 2 7778 then press #3

Sponsored By: International Medical Center

  • 300SR