
Searching For Evidence

Starts: 15/08/2021

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Searching For  Evidence 

Date : 15 August 2021 


Course Objectives : 

-Introducing the concept of "Evidence Based Medicine& level of evidence" 

-Classifying electronice medical resources to primaryOR Seconday (synthesized) information 

-Introducing the skill of making useful clinically relevant question. "P.I.C.O" format 

-Guiding the participants through the solectical "EBM" websites and provide them with seatching technique and hints with with practical "hands-on" 


Target Audience : 

-Postgraduate : Physicians/Pharmacists/Nurses/llied Medical Service / Research Coordinators 

-Undergraduote : Medical/Pharmacy and Nursing Students, Medical Informatices 


Course Fee : 200 SR 




Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
1 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By King Saud bin Abdulaziz Unniversity

visit website


  • +966-11-4295495 / 4295435

Sponsored By: Microsoft Teams

  • 200 SR