
Simplifying Restorations of Endodontically Treated Teeth (Post and Core Hands-On)

Starts: 11/02/2022

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Simplifying Restorations of Endodontically Treated Teeth (Post and Core Hands-On)


Date:11 Feb 2022 


Place: NAJ Training Center, Riyadh.


Organized by: Saudi Commissions for Health Specialties.



  • Understand the special considerations in restoring endodontically treated teeth.
  • Understand the guidelines for proper post-system selection post-place preparation, and cementation of different post. 


CME hours: 6 CME.


For registration: info@najtraning.com


Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
6 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By Saudi Commissions for Health Specialties.

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