
Analysis of Count and Repeated Measures Data

Starts: 20/02/2023

Ends: 21/02/2023

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Analysis of Count and Repeated Measures Data


Date: 20 - 21 Feb 2023


Organized by: KSAU



  • Understand the concept of the general and generalized linear models.
  • Model count and rate outcome variables using Poisson/Negative Binomial Regression Models.
  • Understand the concept of overdispersion and how to account for it in count and rate outcome models.
  • To understand the underlying rationale for use of ANCOVA & MANCOVA.
  • Use SPSS to run analysis and to interpret results.


Fees: 250 SR



Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
  • 250