
Deep Venous Doppler Lower Upper and Extremities

Starts: 18/10/2023

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Deep Venous Doppler Lower Upper and Extremities


Date : 

18 Oct. 2023


time :

1:00pm - 7:00pm


Objectives : 

Identify the basics of deep Venous Doppler and related scientific information

Describe the techniques for performing deep venous Doppler 

Interpretation of Deep Venous Doppler

Explain and discuss the different cases during deep venous Doppler 


Tobics : 

-Overview of anatomy and physiology of deep vein

-Basic Principles of Deep Venous Doppler

-Upper & lower extremities anatomy & pathology

-Techniques for Performing Deep Venous Doppler

-Clinical Applications and Case Studies 


Target Audience : 

-Radiological Technology

-X-Ray Medical students

-Resonance Techology

-General surgery

-Vascular Surgery 

-Diagnostic Radiology

-Medical and Surgical Nursing

Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
6 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

visit website


  • 0570322051

Sponsored By: National elearning Center

  • 400 SR