
Annual Diabetes Educators Course

Starts: 12/03/2017

Ends: 13/03/2017

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Annual Diabetes Educators Course 

Date : 12 March - 13 March 2017 

Venue : Main Auditorium Medical City1 King Abdulaziz Medical City Jeddah KSA 

Organized by : KAMC Jeddah KSA 

Certificates : 

Upon Successful completion of the course and passing the final examination , registered nurses will be certified to work as Diabetes Educators. 

A certificate of attendance will be used for non - passers, provided the general performance of the participant is acceptable to the standard provision of the course. However, this certificate will not be used to qualify the nurse to work as a Daibetes Educator 

Course Fee :1,500 SAR 

Eligibility for the course: 

Nursing Degree / BSN 

Fluency in Arabic and English 

Current Position in a hospital setting / primary health care centers 

Passing the initial interview 

Recommendation letter for sponsor 

CME hours : 30 CME 

For registration : 

Course Coordinator : 00966-12-226-6666 ext 21470


Academic Affairs 



Targeted Audience
  • Nurse Educator
  • Nurses
30 CME Hours
Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Organized By King Abdulaziz Medical CIty

visit website


  • 00966-12-226-6666 ext 21470
  • 1500 SAR