
CTAS Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale

Starts: 10/05/2017

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

CTAS Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale

May 10 2017 || King Saud bin Abdulaziz University


Objectives of the course :

  • Review and enhance your patient assessment skills
  • Apply professional standards of emergency nursing practice in Adult and Pediatric Triage
  • Utilize the CEDIS Presenting Complaint List
  • Prioritize patient care based on CTAS
  • Demonstrate an understanding of patient flow, care processes and communication in the ED


CME hours : accredited CME


Course Fee : 500 SAR


For Registration and more details :

PTC Graduation Office

00966-11-429-9999 ext 91111 Fax 91132



Targeted Audience
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
  • 00966-11-429-9999 ext 91111 Fax 91132
  • 500 SAR