
Statistics Regression

Starts: 27/09/2017

One Day Event

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Statistics Regression 
September 27 2017 
College of Public Health and Health Informatics 
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences 
Riyadh KSA 

Objectives : 
1. To introduce the participants to the concept of statistical modelling 
2. To be able to differentiate between different types of regression models 
3. To be able to interpret the regression analysis results generated by the statistical software  (SPSS) 

Target Participants : 
Healthcare worers 
Medical Students 
and other health sciences profession workers interested in advanced statistical analysis 


CME hours : CME accredited 


Registration Fee : 300 SAR


For registration : 

Phone 00966-11-429-5458 / 4295495
Email : ngccbhp@ksau-hs.edu.sa

Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
  • 00966-11-429-5458 / 4295495
  • 300 Saudi Riyals