
7th Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia

Starts: 26/11/2017

Ends: 27/11/2017

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

7th Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia 
The post graduate training center KSAU-HS Riyadh KSA 
Date : 26-27 November 2017


Topics Covered: 
USRA of the upper limbs 
USRA of the lower limb 
USRA of Neuraxial Technique 
USRA of the Trunks TPVB/TAB 
US for  Central Venous Access
US for Pain Management 
USRA PEGs (Block View) 

Objectives : 
The understanding of the Sono-anatomy in relation to major and miinor peripheral nerve all over the body 
Localization in order to provide complete anesthesia or anelgesia for pain control 
Neuroaxial techniques (spinal and epidurals) which can be localized by the ultrasound 
Vascular access techniques and its anatomical variations 

Registration Fee
850 SAR 

CME : Accredited CME 


For Registration : 

PTC Registration Office 
00966-11-429-9999 ext 91098

Targeted Audience
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
  • 00966-11-429-9999 ext 91098
  • 850 Saudi Riyals