Infection Control from Basics to Advanced Hospital Level Symposium
Venue: King Abdullah Auditorium
Organized by : King Abdullah Medical City
Day 1 (Basics of Infection prevention and Control)
- Preventing infection transmission in Healthcare settings.
- Identification of Health care associated pathogens and disease
- Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance/ work shop training activity
- Personal Protective Equipment proper use and work shop trainig activity
- How to apply Aseptic Technique and what does it mean?
- How Standard precaution can save your life ?
Day 2 (Advanced infection prevention and control step up)
- Infection control practise in hemodialysis setting
- Infection control practise in Dental facility
- Infection control practise in Endoscopy setting
- Infection cintrol practise in laboratory setting
- MDRO prevention and management stratigies with MRDO bundle implementation steps
- Infection control practise in immunocompromised patient facility
Target Audiences :Doctors | Nurses | Technicians | Students
CME Hours : 14 CME
Course Fee : Doctors 150 SAR | Nurses & Technicians 100 SAR | Students 50 SAR
For Registration :