Workshop on Basic Surgical Skills
Venue: KFSH&RC - Main Hospital
Organized by : King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre
Objectives :
- DEMONSTRATE wide-ranging knowledge in laparoscopic surgery and operative procedures
- PROVIDE a professional forum to discuss and apply the most recent knowledge pertaining to quality and safety initiatives in the surgical skills for children
- PRESENT up-to-date information about management of children with surgical problems
- ASSIST Trainee in managing, analyzing , and interpreting data by providing education on proven methods that will make a positive impact on surgical skills in pediatric patients
- ENHANCE the learning experience by offering hands on sessions that teach , assess and certify the ability of trainees to use safe and sound surgical techniques that are common to all forms of pediatric surgery
CME Hours : 16 CME
Course Fee : 450 SR
For pre registration & further information please visit :
For further information please contact us on :
Department of surgery
Tel : +966 12667-7777 Ext. 65816/63549
E-mail :