
Shoulder Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Theory and Practice

Starts: 15/09/2019

Ends: 16/09/2019

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Shoulder Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Theory and Practice 


Venue:   Postgraduate Training Center, Riyadh 


Organized by : King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences 



  • Identify functional anatomy & biomechanics of the shoulder girdle.
  • Identify the biophysical approach in shoulder rehabilitation.
  • Perform physical assessment techniques and “special exa-minations”.based upon history-taking & condition staging.
  • Define and classify common shoulder musculoskeletal condition.
  • Recognize the inter-relationship of the spine , rib cage, viscera and shoulder implications and management.
  • Recognize related alert flags and required intervention.
  • Identify evidence-based practice describing & demon-strating the framework of the therapeutic approaches.



Target Audience:​ Physical Therapists/juniors  &  Interns 



Course Fees:  250 SR



CME Hours : Accredited 


For Registration : 

  Ptc Registration Office : TEL : +966 11 429 9999   |  Ext: 91024 / 91031

  Email : www.ksau-hs.edu.com

Targeted Audience
  • Interns
  • Physical Therapist
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences

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