
Course of Pediatric Extracorporeal Oxygenation ( Pediatric ECMO )

Starts: 16/02/2020

Ends: 17/02/2020

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Course of Pediatric Extracorporeal Oxygenation ( Pediatric ECMO ) 


Place:  Saudi Critical Care Society Headquarter 


Organized By :  Saudi Critical Care Society 




  • Understand the basic principles of pediatric ECMO
  • Identify the components of the pediatric ECMO circuit 
  • Describe basic and advanced physiology of W and VA pediatric ECMO
  • Recognize major indications and contraindications complications of pediatric ECMO
  •  Identify common problems and major complications of pediatric ECMO 
  • Differentiate of interaction pediatric ECMO has on various patient organ systems 
  • Comprehensively asses the pediatric ECMO patient with appropriate monitoring techniques 
  • Percutanous cannulation for W pediatric ECMO appropriate cannula positioning 


Target Audience: 

     PIC and PCIC physicians, PIC and PCIC nurses, Cardiac surgeons, Anesthesiologists, Thoracic surgeons 

Course Fees: 
  •  1000 SAR
  • Non-Physicians: 700 SAR 

For Registration :  

 Email: course.registraion@saudicriticalcare.org 

Targeted Audience
  • All Health Professionals
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Organized By Saudi Critical Care Society

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